4.5 love it, even though the line between fiction and reality is supposedly clear particularly after 2nd viewing (obviously, the execution, the writer, the attempted suffocation by pillow scene are all imaginary) , there are still lots of postmodern smoke and mirrors and humors left (what the heck with all the bleeps, what does alien abduction mean, and at the very end, is Petrov just returning home ALONE? and his house becomes a dollhouse! Has he always been alone and the entire film is his comic work?). Now the cliched praise: dashing camera, surreal transition, 3-act structure each in its own shooting style and lighting invoking distinct emotions and motifs undercutting one another.
小学的时候就看过三遍你看起来很好亲除了觉得很可怜完全不能了解这部经典爱情片的深刻今天特意下载了DVD重新看看见Rose站在救生船上看着甲板上的jack心里痛到无以复加与其让死亡降临在爱人的头上不如让自己承受if you jump, I jump,